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Looks like I’m reinventing myself once again.

First it was Studio187. Then AetherForge Creations. And now Blix Bryant.

Success does not come over night and creativity is not a linear path. Those that strive to bring something new into the world struggle. The word passion is thrown around a lot when it comes to art and creativity. And while it seems cliché, if you know the etymology of the word and have ever tried to create anything original you’ll know there is no better word.

From Etymonline
In Middle English also "an ailment, disease, affliction;" also "an emotion, desire, inclination, feeling; desire to sin considered as an affliction" (mid-13c.). The specific meaning "intense or vehement emotion or desire" is attested from late 14c., from Late Latin use of passio to render Greek pathos "suffering," also "feeling, emotion."

So here we are. As I struggle with my passion, you are here to bear witness. To drink from my misery and joy. I give to you all that I can in the hope that we’ll have a shared experience.